32 lives troubleshooting
32 lives troubleshooting

  1. #32 lives troubleshooting update#
  2. #32 lives troubleshooting Patch#
  3. #32 lives troubleshooting windows#

Note: According to Microsoft, on Mahardening changes will be enabled by default with no ability to disable them.

32 lives troubleshooting

To address the vulnerabilities, on June 14, 2022, Microsoft had programmatically enabled the hardening on DCOM servers by default that could be disabled via the RequireIntegrityActivationAuthenticationLevel registry key if necessary. As a result, both the DCOM RPC communication between the client and the server, and data collection in Collector is successful.

#32 lives troubleshooting Patch#

When the patch is installed on the client machine, by default it enables RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY on DCOM clients. It is therefore recommended that you first patch the Collector device and then the monitored device to the latest updates to resolve the event id 10036 issue.

#32 lives troubleshooting windows#

To understand the issue in detail, see Microsoft documentation Manage changes for Windows DCOM Server Security Feature Bypass. When you enable it on the server (either without any changes on the client or updating the patch on the client), it has an impact on the DCOM RPC communication resulting in the “Access is Denied” error. When the patch is installed on the server machine, the ‘RequireIntegrityActivationAuthenticationLevel’ registry value is disabled by default.

#32 lives troubleshooting update#

After applying this update on the server, we observed the occurrences of the event id 10036 in the DCOM RPC between the Client and Server communication. When Microsoft identified critical vulnerabilities with WMI, it released a Windows DCOM Server security feature bypass (CVE-2021-26414) to address the security vulnerabilities. \USERNAME or MACHINENAME\USERNAME.ĭata Collection Failure due to WMI Vulnerabilities

  • To specify a local user rather than a domain user, replace DOMAIN with the #HOSTNAME# token, ‘.’ or the machine’s name so that the wmi.user value is #HOSTNAME#\USERNAME.
  • The “wmi.user” custom property should be formatted as DOMAIN\USERNAME.
  • If you cannot run the Collector under an administrator user, or if you are monitoring hosts between multiple domains and need to make a host-specific credential adjustment, follow these instructions to add the “wmi.user” and “wmi.pass” custom properties to your host. To change the user the services run as, change the credentials in the “Log On” tab for both services, and then start the services again. In these situations, the credentials for both of your Collector services, including “LogicMonitor Collector” and “LogicMonitor Watchdog”, should reference either a Domain user that is an Administrative account on the hosts to be monitored, or a local administrator that will be available on each Windows host to be monitored by this Collector. Most issues with the Windows task collection result from permission restrictions when the Collector machine attempts to query your hosts for data.

    32 lives troubleshooting

    The LogicMonitor Collector primarily uses Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to monitor Windows servers. Note: A Windows Collector must be used in order to monitor Windows hosts.

    32 lives troubleshooting