Fill me up buttercup baby just let me down
Fill me up buttercup baby just let me down

fill me up buttercup baby just let me down

Anyway, stay away from guys like that ok?

fill me up buttercup baby just let me down

Anyway, bye!Ĭolette returning with the ball: Why does that guy smell funny?īoots: Well… he drinks something that’s really bad for him.īoots: I don’t know. That afternoon, Boots and Colette are having a catch outside when Boots accidentally throws the ball into the allotment, where an apparently drunk gentleman, Down On His Luck, is hanging out on a bench.Ĭolette: Hey, can you throw my ball back?ĭown On His Luck: You’ll have to come get it my leg’s injured.ĭown On His Luck: Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt her.Īssertive, who just happens to be passing: I’m watching him too! He shouldn’t be loitering around here!Īssertive: There’s a school right there! These meths drinkers are an infestation, and not one the council is doing anything about. I’m sure Sister Julienne is going to just love Sister Hilda’s particular try-hard brand of helping very much, and by the looks on everyone’s faces, they share my concerns.

fill me up buttercup baby just let me down

And I’ll stop paying rent if things don’t get looked after!Īssertive, mean: Well it isn’t a proper dressmaker’s shop either - that hem’s a disaster.īack at Nonnatus, Sister Hilda explains to everyone that she’s about to make Sister Julienne rest. Vi: I have office hours! You can come to those if you want to make a formal complaint.Īssertive: This is formal, look at my outfit. And the light is broken in the stairwell. By contrast, the woman who’s just barged into Vi’s shop isn’t grateful at all, and with good reason.Īssertive: Look here, councilwoman: the trash chute in my building has been blocked for weeks. Frail, who is a sweet fellow, thanks them for their help and is generally just grateful for their presence. Frail’s lost a worrying amount of weight and just isn’t looking great, so Sister Frances is already planning to have Dr. Hard to argue with that! Across town, and the TB Hostel, Sister Frances and Boots convene to help turn over a patient, who I’m calling Frail. Turner: You’ll rest as long as I tell you to! And someone’s going to have to help out around here in the meantime. Someday you’re going to push it too far and we won’t be able to get you well again! Turner: Look, I’m gonna give you a little lecture: we’ve been here before! You work yourself too hard and then get burnt out. Their exchange is interrupted when a flashy man in a car arrives to pick up All Healed Up’s daughter. Shelagh! Have some compassion, bud! Across town, Phyllis attempts to call on her patient (who’s off at the laundromat) and instead catches up with the woman’s neighbor, who she previously treated for a varicose ulcer (a gnarly leg wound that took months to heal). Shelagh: Yeah, I know, but it’s gross and people are scared of them! Turner: It’s because of all the construction these guys used to stay in the old houses, and now that they’re gone, they’ll need a new place to sleep. I feel like I’ve been seeing more and more of this lately.ĭr. Shelagh: I really hope they don’t start using our stoop as a party location. Anyway, these meths drinkers have left a heck of a mess, but were polite about vacating the stoop when Miss Higgins asked, so she’s prepared to clean everything up in fairly good grace. No, these folks aren’t drinking methamphetamine: they’re consuming methylated spirits, which is essentially alcohol that’s made for fuel, not drinking (the “meth” is an additive that’s supposed to deter consumption by making the alcohol poisonous, but for folks who can’t access safer alcohol, that deterrent isn’t enough). Phyllis, harsh: Well we saw, and it’s not ok! Who has a spare pair for Boots? I figured if the run was in the back no one would see. Trixie: Boots, buddy, you have a massive run.īoots: Ugh, I know, but these were my best option. As everyone prepares for the day, the group goes in on Boots’ stocking problem. Boots puts on her uniform to discover that all of her stockings have massive runs. This week, things are starting off on a not great foot in Poplar… literally. Ready? Take a deep (lamaze) breath, and prepare yourself for Season 11! Need a refresher on what happened last season? Check out our Season Holiday Special recaps here. Between our scrappy nurses, sassy nuns and gut-wrenching emotional trauma that somehow keeps you wanting more, there’s a lot to be excited about. And now, just a few short months after the last season, we have the springtime return of PBS favorite, Call The Midwife. Every season, the GBH Drama staff sit down to watch the latest and greatest in British dramas.

Fill me up buttercup baby just let me down